You are ready to sell your home, but how do you choose which estate agent to appoint? There is an overwhelming choice of agencies and, at first glance, most Agents appear to do more or less the same thing.
This is however, not the case. And your primary asset shouldn’t be a guinea pig to find this out. Have a look at some pointers below to make sure you make the right choice.
Ultimately, you are best served by choosing a locally based agent who takes you and your property as serious as you do. One who has time to listen and can understand your needs and concerns from experience. One who can offer real, straight-talking advice; one who takes pride in his/her integrity; and who has a passion for results.
At De Meyer Law, don’t just sell property, we provide a comprehensive and professional service backed by experience, integrity, law and business schooling, entrepreneurial know-how and a serious passion to ensure our customers has an experience that will make us see them again.
Some Agents think the sale is done when a buyer is found, and some sales negotiators are incentivised to arrange sales, but not necessarily to see them through to completion. Many a sale has been lost due to poor follow-up or inadequate liaison with Clients and Attorneys.
We are proud of our advantage here, as all transfers are done in house. We also arrange for the Buyer to obtain Bond finance and register these Bonds with our partner Firm. So you as the Seller can rest assured that the process is being expertly carried through from inception to registration.
Buyers overwhelmingly prefer to work with local experts, whom they regard as “in the know”. De Meyer Law has operated in the Pretoria East and Centurion areas for almost 10 years, and we have extensive experience in the local market. Choose a well-established local agent, and preferably one that has the backing of a support network.
The issue of correct valuation is paramount! It is critical that you appoint an agent who has a working knowledge of current market activity, and who can interpret prevailing trends to your advantage.
Beware! It is well-known that some Agents deliberately over-value in order to impress you and secure your business. However, an inflated price attracts the wrong buyers to your property, which means you’re not attracting the people who would actually buy your property. This often leads to the properly becoming stale or falling below its true market value.
The net amount in your pocket is definitely more important than the percentage fee charged!
Many Sellers are tempted to decide which Agent to appoint based purely on the rate of commission charged. This is a bit like buying a car purely on price considerations. All cars go from A to B, but the vast price differential is related to issues of quality, reliability, security, performance and the whole driving experience.
The same is true of estate agents, and attorneys for that matter. It’s not about the promises made, but the value the customer gets.
Too many agencies only communicate good news. That’s easy! Good agents are in frequent contact with their clients and have the guts to advise you if anything needs to be done to improve your chances of an impressive sale, even if it’s not what the customer wants to hear. We take this seriously and make sure to communicate regularly and relevantly.
If an agent is not enthusiastic about your property, don’t appoint them. A positive approach to selling your home is essential if buyers are to be inspired into buying your home.
Choose an Agency that is owned and run by professionals who are interested in building value and relationships, rather than by people who are simply employed to make money. It is important to us that Clients receive adequate time and attention from a qualified Attorney and property professional to ensure the Client is in the best position possible.
Does the agent accompany all viewings? What about evenings and weekends?
Only when agents accompany buyers around a property can they probe, listen and understand what the buyer really wants, and become aware of any legalities or issues that might be a deterrent for the transaction.
Agents who understand the buyers’ preferences tend to have a much higher viewing/sale ratio and do not frustrate their clients with unsuitable viewers. At De Meyer Law our policy is to accompany all buyers around a property at all times, and to provide prompt and constructive feedback to our Sellers.
High quality presentation is vital to sell your home. At De Meyer Law we have found that using a professional photographer can increase the traffic to our website property details three-fold! More traffic means more potential buyers.
The Internet is a valuable tool in estate agency. But don’t be impressed by any “hit” claims. All web- enabled agents are exposed to many buyers, but how well do they qualify those buyers when it comes to discussing your home. It is very easy for a “buyer” to register a passing interest; it takes a well-trained professional to identify the right buyers for a valuable and timeous sale.
Over 80% of buyers use the internet when looking for a property. So you need to be sure that your property can be effectively located and promoted. Does your agent subscribe to the most effective property portals?